My system info is badly outdates, so I figured I’d start where it counts: with the speakers! The BIBs stayed in Minnesota when we came west. The basic open baffles were serving me well, but the best thing about WBAL is how inexpensive it is to try something new! OBs with helper woofers have been very popular lately, so I figured I’d give it a shot myself. As usual, I choose to go my own way with a tapered U-baffle and a pair of surplus woofers from Jack Hidley. I’m using a minidsp to EQ the woofers. I had to build a new amp with a pre stage so that I could drive the digital signal processor and the passive line level crossover on the Betsys. You can read about the full implementation here: http://www.minidsp.com/support/forum/6-diy-hifi-projects/115-minidsp–wbal-betsy–15q-woofers–dipole-fun The end result sounds great! Let me know if you are interested in doing something similar.
